W...W...W...Wednesday #88

mercoledì 30 novembre 2022

 Ciao a tutti booklovers, W...W...W...Wednesday della settimana per voi! 

WHAT ARE YOU CURRENTLY READING? (Che cosa stai leggendo?)

Sto leggendo Supernatural Academy, Volume Uno, di Jaymin Eve.

WHAT HAVE YOU FINISHED READING? (Che cosa hai finito di leggere?)

Ho finito di leggere If We Were Villains e Thunderstruck, un libro uscito da Wattpad di Joanne Bonny.


WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO READ NEXT? (Che cosa leggerai dopo?)

Leggerò Carrie Soto is Back, di Taylor Jenkins Reid.

W...W...W...Wednesday #87

mercoledì 23 novembre 2022

 Ciao a tutti booklovers, W...W...W...Wednesday della settimana per voi! 

WHAT ARE YOU CURRENTLY READING? (Che cosa stai leggendo?)

Sto leggendo If We Were Villains e Thunderstruck, un libro uscito da Wattpad di Joanne Bonny.


WHAT HAVE YOU FINISHED READING? (Che cosa hai finito di leggere?)

Ho finito di leggere Bloodmarked della Deonn; Tell Me Three Things della Buxbaum e Anatomy: A Love Story, di Dana Schwartz.

WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO READ NEXT? (Che cosa leggerai dopo?)

Leggerò Carrie Soto is Back, di Taylor Jenkins Reid.

DreamerWhale Unboxing | Hide & Seek September - October Box

martedì 22 novembre 2022

 Ciao a tutti booklovers, oggi andiamo a spacchettare la DreamerWhale di settembre - ottobre ?



Olivia Prior has grown up in Merilance School for girls, and all she has of her past is her mother’s journal—which seems to unravel into madness. Then, a letter invites Olivia to come home—to Gallant. Yet when Olivia arrives, no one is expecting her. But Olivia is not about to leave the first place that feels like home, it doesn’t matter if her cousin Matthew is hostile or if she sees half-formed ghouls haunting the hallways.

Olivia knows that Gallant is hiding secrets, and she is determined to uncover them. When she crosses a ruined wall at just the right moment, Olivia finds herself in a place that is Gallant—but not. The manor is crumbling, the ghouls are solid, and a mysterious figure rules over all. Now Olivia sees what has unraveled generations of her family, and where her father may have come from.

Olivia has always wanted to belong somewhere, but will she take her place as a Prior, protecting our world against the Master of the House? Or will she take her place beside him?


- Tazza ispirata a The Starless Sea

- Organizzalibri ispirato a Stranger Things

- Stampa raffigurante Howl di Howl's Moving Castle

- Stampa di Crimson Peak

- Tè ispirato ad Alice nel paese delle meraviglie

- Portachiavi ispirato a Coraline

Il tema del prossimo mese è Once Upon e mi ispira tantissimo! Ci sarà una edizione speciale di Gilded di Marissa Meyer!

It's my birthday | + 19

lunedì 21 novembre 2022




W...W...W...Wednesday #86

mercoledì 16 novembre 2022

Ciao a tutti booklovers, W...W...W...Wednesday della settimana per voi! Manca sempre meno al mio compleanno!

WHAT ARE YOU CURRENTLY READING? (Che cosa stai leggendo?)

Sto leggendo Bloodmarked della Deonn; Tell Me Three Things della Buxbaum e Anatomy: A Love Story, di Dana Schwartz.

WHAT HAVE YOU FINISHED READING? (Che cosa hai finito di leggere?)

Ho finito di leggere The Terror, di Dan Simmons, una lettura alquanto bizzarra; Spells for Forgetting della Young, adorabile e Under The Whispering Door di Klune, non come La Casa Sul Mare Celeste.


WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO READ NEXT? (Che cosa leggerai dopo?)

Leggerò Carrie Soto is Back, di Taylor Jenkins Reid.


Teaser Tuesday | Gilded di Marissa Meyer

martedì 15 novembre 2022

 Ave a voi booklovers, oggi parliamo di Gilded, libro che è in featuring nella Once Upon di Dreamer Whale Boxes, in arrivo a dicembre!


1. Gilded

2. Cursed


Nome: Gilded 

Autore: Marissa Meyer

Genere: Fantasy

Data: 15 novembre 2022

Editore: Oscar Mondadori


Long ago cursed by the god of lies, a poor miller's daughter has developed a talent for spinning stories that are fantastical and spellbinding and entirely untrue.

Or so everyone believes.

When one of Serilda's outlandish tales draws the attention of the sinister Erlking and his undead hunters, she finds herself swept away into a grim world where ghouls and phantoms prowl the earth and hollow-eyed ravens track her every move. The king orders Serilda to complete the impossible task of spinning straw into gold, or be killed for telling falsehoods. In her desperation, Serilda unwittingly summons a mysterious boy to her aid. He agrees to help her . . . for a price.

Soon Serilda realizes that there is more than one secret hidden in the castle walls, including an ancient curse that must be broken if she hopes to end the tyranny of the king and his wild hunt forever...

Vi ispira, booklovers?


Dreamer Whale Boxes | Season of the Witch Shop Event

lunedì 14 novembre 2022

 Ciao cari booklovers, oggi post veloce per parlarvi del super shop event di Dreamer Whale Boxes, Season of the Witch!

La foto degli items arriverà domani sera, ma non preoccupatevi, io qui vi faccio degli spoiler!


- Felpa a scelta tra witchy moods e Taylor Swift, stenciled da Il Mondo di Nola

- Tazza - calderone dedicata a Hocus Pocus

- Candela di Fiction Bath Co, Midnight in Salem

- Segnalibri a tema witchy!

Recensione | Lore Olympus, Volume Two di Rachel Smythe

venerdì 11 novembre 2022

 Ciao a tutti booklovers, oggi vi presento una recensione del secondo volume di Lore Olympus, un webcomic presente su WebToon, di Rachel Smythe, uno dei maggiori successi degli ultimi anni, se non il più grande, per quanto riguarda  i webcomic.


1.Volume 1 (capitoli 1-25)

2. Volume 2 (capitoli 26-49)

3. Volume 3 

4. Volume 4


Nome: Lore Olympus. Volume 2

Autore: Rachel Smythe

Genere: Fantasy, Retelling

Data: 25 ottobre 2022

Editore: Edizioni BD - JPop


Persephone was ready to start a new life when she left the mortal realm for Olympus. However, she quickly discovered the dark side of her glamorous new home—from the relatively minor gossip threatening her reputation to a realm-shattering violation of her safety by the conceited Apollo—and she’s struggling to find her footing in the fast-moving realm of the gods. Hades is also off-balance, fighting against his burgeoning feelings for the young goddess of spring while maintaining his lonely rule of the Underworld. As the pair are drawn ever closer, they must untangle the twisted webs of their past and present to build toward a new future.

This full-color edition of Smythe’s original Eisner-nominated webcomic Lore Olympus features a brand-new, exclusive short story, and brings Greek mythology into the modern age in a sharply perceptive and romantic graphic novel.


Lore Olympus è un webcomic fantastico. Davvero. 

Persephone è stata abusata da Apollo, che continua a fare il violento e lo stalker. Nel mentre, Persephone continua a nascondere quello che le ha fatto a tutti, compreso Ade, che si trova in una relazione on-off con quella odiosa di Minthe.

Questo volume è più introspettivo dell'altro, che era molto introduttivo, ma pieno di eventi e azione. Ade e Persephone si confermano una delle mie coppie preferite nel mondo dei fandom. Apollo e Minthe vincono la palma dei personaggi più odiosi.

Consigliato dai: 18 anni +

Rating. cinque stelline

Teaser Thursday | For The Wolf di Hannah Whitten

giovedì 10 novembre 2022

Ave a voi booklovers, oggi parliamo di For The Wolf, di Hannah Whitten. 


1. For the Wolf

2. For the Throne


Nome: For The Wolf

Autore: Hannah Whitten

Genere: Fantasy

Data: 15 novembre 2022

Editore: Oscar Mondadori


As the only Second Daughter born in centuries, Red has one purpose-to be sacrificed to the Wolf in the Wood in the hope he'll return the world's captured gods.

Red is almost relieved to go. Plagued by a dangerous power she can't control, at least she knows that in the Wilderwood, she can't hurt those she loves. Again.

But the legends lie. The Wolf is a man, not a monster. Her magic is a calling, not a curse. And if she doesn't learn how to use it, the monsters the gods have become will swallow the Wilderwood-and her world-whole


W...W...W...Wednesday #85

mercoledì 9 novembre 2022

 Ciao a tutti booklovers, W...W...W...Wednesday della settimana per voi! 

WHAT ARE YOU CURRENTLY READING? (Che cosa stai leggendo?)

Sto leggendo The Terror, di Dan Simmons, una lettura alquanto bizzarra; Spells for Forgetting della Young e Under The Whispering Door di Klune.


WHAT HAVE YOU FINISHED READING? (Che cosa hai finito di leggere?)

Ho finito di leggere Bunny, di Mona Awad, un'ottima lettura e The Atlas Paradox, di Olivie Blake, che non mi è piaciuto (datemi i NicoLibby per favore)

WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO READ NEXT? (Che cosa leggerai dopo?)

Mi butterò su Bloodmarked della Deonn.


Illumicrate Unboxing | "From Beyond Death" YA October Box

martedì 8 novembre 2022

 Ciao a tutti booklovers, oggi andiamo a spacchettare l'Illumicrate di ottobre, arrivatami qualche settimana fa. Siete pronti?



Delaney Meyers-Petrov is tired of being seen as fragile just because she's Deaf. So when she's accepted into a prestigious program at Godbole University that trains students to slip between parallel worlds, she's excited for the chance to prove herself. But her semester gets off to a rocky start as she faces professors who won't accommodate her disability, and a pretentious upperclassman fascinated by Delaney's unusual talents.

Colton Price died when he was nine years old. Quite impossibly, he woke several weeks later at the feet of a green-eyed little girl. Now, twelve years later, Delaney Meyers-Petrov has stumbled back into his orbit, but Colton's been ordered to keep far away from the new girl... and the voices she hears calling to her from the shadows.

Delaney wants to keep her distance from Colton -- she seems to be the only person on campus who finds him more arrogant than charming -- yet after a Godbole student turns up dead, she and Colton are forced to form a tenuous alliance, plummeting down a rabbit-hole of deeply buried university secrets. But Delaney and Colton discover the cost of opening the doors between worlds when they find themselves up against something old and nameless, an enemy they need to destroy before it tears them -- and their forbidden partnership -- apart. 


- Coperta dedicata a Strange The Dreamer di Laini Taylor

- Tazza con raffigurati Ade e Persephone

-  Piattino con disegni che rievocano il mito di Ade e Persefone

Il tema del prossimo mese è Some kind of Monsters e so già che al suo interno ci sarà un'edizione esclusiva di The Luminaries di Susan Dennard, un libro che punto dal suo annuncio di pubblicazione
Siete pronti?

Recensione | A Mad Zombie Party di Gena Showalter

lunedì 7 novembre 2022

 Ciao a tutti booklovers, oggi concludiamo le recensioni della serie White Rabbit Chronicles con A Mad Zombie Party, quarto libro e spin-off.


1. Alice in Zombieland

2. Through the Zombie Glass

3. The Queen of Zombie Hearts

4. A Mad Zombie Party


Nome: A Mad Zombie Party

Autore: Gena Showalter

Genere: Fantasy; Romance; Horror

Editore: Harlequin


The battle rages on.

Ali Bell and Cole Holland's crew of zombie slayers thought they'd won the war against Anima Industries, the evil company responsible for capturing and experimenting on zombies in an effort to discover the secret to immortality. In the last epic clash, the slayers lost many of their crew and closest friends. But Frosty, the ice man himself, has not recovered from one casualty in particular—the love of his life, Kat Parker.

On the path to self-annihilation, Frosty receives a message from beyond—Kat's spirit returns, insisting he partner with rogue slayer Camilla Marks. Frosty will do anything for Kat. Except that. Camilla is the one who betrayed them all, leading to Kat's death.

But when Anima rises from the grave to become a force the slayers may not have the strength to overcome, Frosty, Camilla and all the slayers will have to work together to survive. And one broken slayer will learn that sometimes, the line between hate and attraction is blurred...and the road to redemption isn't through revenge, but in letting go of the past and grabbing hold of the future...


Se mi conoscete bene, sapete quanto abbia pianto alla morte di Kat Parker, la nostra Miss Sunshine e migliore amica di Ali.

Ma non quanto Frosty. Il ragazzo è sulla via dell'autodistruzione quando lo spirito di Kat viene da oltre a chiedergli di essere partner, e di aiutare Camilla Marks, la slayer che pochi mesi prima li aveva traditi, portando alla morte di molti, tra cui proprio Kat.

Camilla è spezzata anch'essa, poiché lo aveva fatto per proteggere suo fratello dall'Anima Corps. I due iniziano su una strada brutta, ma piano piano impareranno a fidarsi l'uno dell'altra, portando Frosty a cominciare a pensare se Kat non fosse il passato, un bel passato, ma che il suo destino sia un altro. Con Milla. Tuttavia, l'Anima Corps ritorna (aridaje) e in grande stile.

Il mondo è in grave pericolo, e forse non basteranno gli slayer questa volta.

Quindi, riassumendo, tanto romance, tante lacrime, ma soprattutto tanta azione, per un finale esplosivo della serie.


Consigliato dai: 17 anni 

Rating: tre stelline e mezzo

Fairyloot Unboxing | "Sell My Soul" October YA Box

venerdì 4 novembre 2022

 Ciao a tutti booklovers, oggi andiamo a spacchettare la Fairyloot di ottobre, arrivatami giusto ieri. Siete pronti?



Elspeth Spindle needs more than luck to stay safe in the eerie, mist-locked kingdom of Blunder—she needs a monster. She calls him the Nightmare, an ancient, mercurial spirit trapped in her head. He protects her. He keeps her secrets.

But nothing comes for free, especially magic.

When Elspeth meets a mysterious highwayman on the forest road, her life takes a drastic turn. Thrust into a world of shadow and deception, she joins a dangerous quest to cure Blunder from the dark magic infecting it. And the highwayman? He just so happens to be the King’s nephew, Captain of the most dangerous men in Blunder…and guilty of high treason.

Together they must gather twelve Providence Cards—the keys to the cure. But as the stakes heighten and their undeniable attraction intensifies, Elspeth is forced to face her darkest secret yet: the Nightmare is slowly taking over her mind. And she might not be able to stop him.



For sixteen years, Selestra Somniatis has been trapped in a castle on the Floating Mountain, preparing to take her mother’s place as King Seryth’s right hand. Tied by blood to steal souls for the immortal King of the Six Isles, the Somniatis Witch foretells the deaths of participants in the Festival of Predictions. To outrun your fate is to save your soul and steal the King’s immortality. But if you die, your soul is forfeit. And though thousands have tried, nobody has ever beaten death.

As a soldier in King Seryth’s army, Nox Laederic is an unlikely candidate for the Festival, but he has no plans to die at the hands of the King or his witches. His plan is more akin to violent revenge: steal the King’s immortality and kill the entirety of his court, starting with Selestra herself.

But when Selestra touches Nox in her very first prediction, she sees her own death alongside his--their fates are unmistakably intertwined, and Selestra is no longer safe in the only home she’s ever known. Nox and Selestra will have to enter a turbulent alliance in order to survive long enough to free the Six Isles from King Seryth’s clutches and escape the new fate that hunts them.


- Basket canvas ispirato a Once Upon A Broken Heart della Garber

- Calzini ispirati al Raven Cycle di Maggie Stiefvater

- Stampa raffigurante Howl e Sophie di Howl's Moving Castle

- Tarot Cards (Tarocchi) del mese, con disegnati i protagonisti di Scythe, Rowan e Citra.

Il tema del prossimo mese è The Witching Hour e mi ispira tantissimo! Purtroppo ho visto delle controversie sul libro. Io per ora non mi esprimo.
Siete pronti?

Teaser Thursday | Truel1f3 di Jay Kristoff

giovedì 3 novembre 2022

 Ave a voi booklovers, oggi parliamo della serie Lifelik3, di Jay Kristoff, uno sci-fi decisamente moolto interessante.


1. Lifel1k3

2. Dev1at3

3. Truel1f3


Nome: Truel1f3

Autore: Jay Kristoff

Genere: Sci-Fi

Data: 25 ottobre 2022

Editore: Oscar Mondadori


Best friends have become enemies. Lovers have become strangers. And deciding whose side you're on could be the difference between life and death. For Eve and Lemon, discovering the truth about themselves--and each other--was too much for their friendship to take. But with the country on the brink of a new world war--this time between the BioMaas swarm at CityHive and Daedalus's army at Megopolis, loyalties will be pushed to the brink, unlikely alliances will form and with them, betrayals. But the threat doesn't stop there, because the lifelikes are determined to access the program that will set every robot free, a task requiring both Eve and Ana, the girl she was created to replace. In the end, violent clashes and heartbreaking choices reveal the true heroes . . . and they may not be who you think they are.

A voi booklovers? Ispira?

W...W...W...Wednesday #84

mercoledì 2 novembre 2022

 Ciao a tutti booklovers, W...W...W...Wednesday della settimana per voi! 

WHAT ARE YOU CURRENTLY READING? (Che cosa stai leggendo?)

Sto leggendo Bunny, di Mona Awad, e The Atlas Paradox di Olivie Blake.


WHAT HAVE YOU FINISHED READING? (Che cosa hai finito di leggere?)

Ho finito di leggere It Starts with us, e sto piangendo, oltre a Dance of Bulls e a Meet Efrem Krugher, due libri brutti (Dance of Bulls molto più carino di MEK comunque), e a Darling Rose Gold, altro libro brutto, e a TARE, che mi è piaciuto.


WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO READ NEXT? (Che cosa leggerai dopo?)

Mi butterò su The Terror di Dan Simmons.


Teaser Tuesday | Dev1at3 di Jay Kristoff

martedì 1 novembre 2022

Ave a voi booklovers, oggi parliamo della serie Lifelik3, di Jay Kristoff, uno sci-fi decisamente moolto interessante.


1. Lifel1k3

2. Dev1at3

3. Truel1f3


Nome: Dev1at3

Autore: Jay Kristoff

Genere: Sci-Fi

Data: 25 ottobre 2022

Editore: Oscar Mondadori


In the wake of a climactic battle in the ruined city of Babel, two former best friends suddenly find themselves on opposite sides of the same quest. Eve is torn between the memories of the girl she was, and the synthetic she's discovered herself to be. Together with her lifelike siblings Mercy and Gabriel, Eve sets out to find the real Ana Monrova, whose DNA is the key to unlocking the supercomputer that will enable them to build an army of lifelikes. Meanwhile, Eve's best friend, Lemon, is coming to terms with a power that she has long denied--and that others want only to harness as a weapon. When she meets an intriguing boy named Grimm, he offers to lead her out of the horror-ridden landscape and to an enclave of other abnorms like herself. There, Lemon quickly finds a sense of belonging--and perhaps even love--among the other genetic deviates. But all is not what it seems, and with enemies and friends, heroes and villains wearing interchangeable faces, Lemon, too, will join the race to locate Ana Monrova before her former best friend can get to her.

A voi booklovers? Ispira?