Fairyloot Unboxing | "Eternal" March YA Box

lunedì 10 aprile 2023

Ciao a tutti booklovers, oggi andiamo a spacchettare la Fairyloot di marzo, arrivatami la settimana scorsa. Siete pronti? Vi avviso che purtroppo questa box è stata davvero deludente...



In the city of Ombrazia, saints and their disciples rule with terrifying and unjust power, playing favorites while the unfavored struggle to survive.

After her father’s murder at the hands of the Ombrazian military, Rossana Lacertosa is willing to do whatever it takes to dismantle the corrupt system—tapping into her powers as a disciple of Patience, joining the rebellion, and facing the boy who broke her heart. As the youngest captain in the history of Palazzo security, Damian Venturi is expected to be ruthless and strong, and to serve the saints with unquestioning devotion. But three years spent fighting in a never-ending war have left him with deeper scars than he wants to admit… and a fear of confronting the girl he left behind.

Now a murderer stalks Ombrazia’s citizens. As the body count climbs, the Palazzo is all too happy to look the other way—that is, until a disciple becomes the newest victim. With every lead turning into a dead end, Damian and Roz must team up to find the killer, even if it means digging up buried emotions. As they dive into the underbelly of Ombrazia, the pair will discover something more sinister—and far less holy. With darkness closing in and time running out, will they be able to save the city from an evil so powerful that it threatens to destroy everything in its path?


- Piatto ispirato a The Bear and the Nightingale

- Un foglio di sticker

- Una sacca per i tarocchi

- Segnalibro metallico ispirato a Kingdom of the Wicked, con disegnato Wrath (troppo kitsch)

- Tarot Cards (Tarocchi) del mese, con disegnati Elspeth e Ravyn di One Dark Window di Rachel Gillig

Inutile dire, dopo la premessa iniziale, che questa box è stata di gran lunga la peggiore della Fairyloot che ho ricevuto. L'edizione del libro si salva solo per gli edges, essendo minuscola e di un orrendo colore marrone; il segnalibro davvero pacchiano e il senso degli altri tre oggetti ??

Il tema del prossimo mese è "Dare to Dream" e spero non mi deluda come questo.
Siete pronti?


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