Fairyloot Unboxing | "Invisible Truths" September YA Box

lunedì 30 ottobre 2023

Ciao a tutti booklovers, domani è Halloween e lo celebriamo con l'unboxing della mia Fairyloot preferita di quest'anno fino ad adesso!



Your first love will always haunt you…

The most haunting, heartwarming debut of 2023. Perfect for fans of strong female leads and supernatural stakes in Buffy, with all the sweetness and romance of To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before.

Cara’s just trying to stay on top of all her classes, excel at her extracurriculars, and prepare for college – which means not speaking to the dead, an ability she inherited from her grandmother. Ghosts are trouble, and Cara doesn’t need to add their problems to her own.

But then she stumbles upon the body of Zach – the super popular but very newly dead high school golden boy – in the woods, and guess what? He wants her to resurrect him.

Cue trouble.


- Coperta con illustrazione tratta da "A Darker Shade of Magic" di VE Schwab

- Spilla della Aglionby Academy da The Raven Cycle di Maggie Stiefvater

- Luce per lettura

- Segnalibri con foil metallizzato e illustrati con Darrow, Mustang, Sevro e Victra da Red Rising

- Contenitori di liquidi per viaggio ispirati ai Quattro Quadranti di Fourth Wing

- Tarot Cards (Tarocchi) del mese, con i disegni di Addie e Luc da "La Vita Invisibile di Addie LaRue" di VE Schwab

Il tema di questo mese era "Enchanted Forest"; il suo unboxing arriverà il prima possibile!

Illumicrate Unboxing | "Hidden Magic" August Box

sabato 28 ottobre 2023

Ciao a tutti booklovers, oggi andiamo a spacchettare l'Illumicrate di agosto; l'edizione sarebbe stata da dieci se non fosse stata una B-Hardcover.



Magic flickers.
Love flames.
Chaos reigns.

Magic is forbidden throughout the Morning Realms. Magicians are called abomination, and blamed for the plague of monsters that razed the land twenty years before.

Jin Zhara already had enough to worry about—appease her stepmother’s cruel whims, looking after her blind younger sister, and keeping her own magical gifts under control—without having to deal with rumors of monsters re-emerging in the marsh. But when a chance encounter with an easily flustered young man named Han brings her into contact with a secret magical liberation organization called the Guardians of Dawn, Zhara realizes there may be more to these rumors than she thought. A mysterious plague is corrupting the magicians of Zanhei and transforming them into monsters, and the Guardians of Dawn believe a demon is responsible.

In order to restore harmony and bring peace to the world, Zhara must discover the elemental warrior within, lest the balance between order and chaos is lost forever.


- Tazza dedicata al Priorato dell'Albero delle Arance di Samantha Shannon

- Segnalibri con i sei personaggi principali di The Mortal Instruments

- Washi-Tapes in stile floreale

- Scatola metallica a forma del "Book of Eyes" di Sorcery of Thorns

Fairyloot Unboxing | "Reap What You Sow" August YA Box

lunedì 23 ottobre 2023

 Ciao a tutti booklovers, si avvicina Halloween e lo festeggiamo con l'unboxing della Fairyloot più dark fino ad adesso!



Ready your blade. Defeat the undead.

In the Dominions, the dead linger, violent and unpredictable, unless a bonesmith severs the ghost from its earthly remains. For bonesmith Wren, becoming a valkyr—a ghost-fighting warrior—is a chance to solidify her place in the noble House of Bone and impress her frequently absent father. But when sabotage causes Wren to fail her qualifying trial, she is banished to the Border Wall, the last line of defense against a wasteland called the Breach where the vicious dead roam unchecked.

Determined to reclaim her family’s respect, Wren gets her chance when a House of Gold prince is kidnapped and taken beyond the Wall. To prove she has what it takes to be a valkyr, Wren vows to cross the Breach and rescue the prince. But to do so, she’s forced into an uneasy alliance with one of the kidnappers—a fierce ironsmith called Julian from the exiled House of Iron, the very people who caused the Breach in the first place…and the House of Bone’s sworn enemy.

As they travel, Wren and Julian spend as much time fighting each other as they do the undead, but when they discover there’s more behind the kidnapping than either of them knew, they’ll need to work together to combat the real danger: a dark alliance that is brewing between the living and the undead.


- Cannucce in metallo

- Mensoline porta-libri ispirate a Gideon The Ninth di Tamsyn Muir

- Sticker a tema gotico

- Borraccia ispirata a Belladonna di Adalyn Grace

- Post-It segnalibri legati al mondo di The Bone Season di Samantha Shannon

- Tarot Cards (Tarocchi) del mese, con i disegni di Wren e Julian da "Bonesmith" di Nicki Pau Preto, il libro del mese

Il tema del prossimo mese era "Invisible Truths"; la box più bella di quest'anno a mani basse.

Illumicrate Unboxing | "You Win or You Die" July Box

sabato 21 ottobre 2023

Ciao a tutti booklovers, oggi andiamo a spacchettare l'Illumicrate di luglio; box nella media, ma poteva essere molto migliore.



Ten years ago, the kingdom of Jasad burned. Its magic outlawed; its royal family murdered down to the last child. At least, that’s what Sylvia wants people to believe.

The lost Heir of Jasad, Sylvia never wants to be found. She can’t think about how Nizahl’s armies laid waste to her kingdom and continue to hunt its people—not if she wants to stay alive. But when Arin, the Nizahl Heir, tracks a group of Jasadi rebels to her village, staying one step ahead of death gets trickier.

In a moment of anger Sylvia’s magic is exposed, capturing Arin’s attention. Now, to save her life, Sylvia will have to make a deal with her greatest enemy. If she helps him lure the rebels, she’ll escape persecution.

A deadly game begins. Sylvia can’t let Arin discover her identity even as hatred shifts into something more. Soon, Sylvia will have to choose between the life she wants and the one she left behind. The scorched kingdom is rising, and it needs a queen.


- Asciugamano con fanart di Katniss Everdeen da Hunger Games

- Gioco di carte "Indovina i personaggi"

- Tazze ispirate da "A Magic Steeped In Poison"

- Sacchetto porta-tarocchi

Fairyloot Unboxing | "Cruel Intentions" July YA Box

lunedì 16 ottobre 2023

 Ciao a tutti booklovers, iniziamo questa settimana con l'unboxing della Fairyloot di luglio!



In a world where the children of the gods inherit their powers, a descendant of the Greek Fates must solve a series of impossible murders to save her sisters, her soulmate, and her city.

Descendants of the Fates are always born in threes: one to weave, one to draw, and one to cut the threads that connect people to the things they love and to life itself. The Ora sisters are no exception. Io, the youngest, uses her Fate-born abilities as a private investigator in the half-sunken city of Alante.

But her latest job leads her to a horrific discovery: somebody is abducting women, maiming their life-threads, and setting the resulting wraiths loose in the city to kill. To find the culprit, she must work alongside Edei Rhuna, the right hand of the infamous Mob Queen—and the boy with whom she shares a rare fate-thread linking them as soul mates before they’ve even met.

But the investigation turns personal when Io's estranged oldest sister turns up on the arm of her best suspect. Amid unveiled secrets from her past and her growing feelings for Edei, Io must follow clues through the city’s darkest corners and unearth a conspiracy that involves some of the city’s most powerful players—before destruction comes to her own doorstep.


- Sottobicchieri con illustrazioni tratte dagli stemmi delle famiglie di "Only A Monster" di Vanessa Len

- Scatola a forma di libro, secondo della serie dei collectible, ispirato al Libro del Destino

- Spilla con un disegno legato a "One Dark Window" di Rachel Gllig

- Calzini ispirati a "The Wicker King"

- Segnalibri magnetici a tema "Cruel Intentions"

- Tarot Cards (Tarocchi) del mese, con i disegni di Elisabeth e Nathaniel da "Sorcery of Thorns" di Margaret Rogerson

Il tema del prossimo mese era "Reap What You Sow"; molto dark per agosto, ma davvero azzeccato.

Illumicrate Unboxing | "Night & Day" June Box

sabato 14 ottobre 2023

Ciao a tutti booklovers, oggi andiamo a spacchettare l'Illumicrate di giugno; edizione meravigliosa, oggetti ok.



Reina is desperate.

Stuck living on the edges of society, her only salvation lies in an invitation from a grandmother she’s never known. But the journey is dangerous, and prayer can’t always avert disaster.

Attacked by creatures that stalk the region, Reina is on the verge of death until her grandmother, a dark sorceress, intervenes. Now dependent on the Doña’s magic for her life, Reina will do anything to earn—and keep—her favor. Even the bidding of an ancient god who whispers to her at night.

Eva Kesare is unwanted.

Illegitimate and of mixed heritage, Eva is her family’s shame. She tries her best to be perfect and to hide her oddities. But Eva is hiding a secret: magic calls to her.

Eva knows she should fight the temptation. Magic is the sign of the dark god, and using it is punishable by death. Yet, it’s hard to deny power when it has always been denied to you. Eva is walking a dangerous path, one that gets stranger every day. And, in the end, she’ll become something she never imagined


- Sottobicchieri decorati con sole e luna

- Ciotole in ceramica ispirate al dualismo tra luce e buio

- Charm per decorare le scarpe

- Federa double-face 

Fairyloot Unboxing | "Into The Depths" June YA Box

lunedì 9 ottobre 2023

Ciao a tutti booklovers, oggi continua la mitica serie di post-recuperoni sulle precedenti bookish box, con la Fairyloot di giugno.



In this dark and seductive YA fantasy debut, a siren must choose between protecting her family and following her heart in a prejudiced kingdom where her existence is illegal.

Saoirse Sorkova survives on lies. As a soldier-in-training at the most prestigious barracks in the kingdom, she lies about being a siren to avoid execution. At night, working as an assassin for a dangerous group of mercenaries, Saoirse lies about her true identity. And to her family, Saoirse tells the biggest lie of all: that she can control her siren powers and doesn't struggle constantly against an impulse to kill.

As the top trainee in her class, Saoirse would be headed for a bright future if it weren't for the need to keep her secrets out of the spotlight. But when a mysterious blackmailer threatens her sister, Saoirse takes a dangerous job that will help her investigate: she becomes personal bodyguard to the crown prince.

Saoirse should hate Prince Hayes. After all, his father is the one who enforces the kingdom's brutal creature segregation laws. But when Hayes turns out to be kind, thoughtful, and charming, Saoirse finds herself increasingly drawn to him-especially when they're forced to work together to stop a deadly killer who's plaguing the city. There's only one problem: Saoirse is that deadly killer.

Featuring an all Black and Brown cast, a forbidden romance, and a compulsively dark plot full of twists, this thrilling YA fantasy is perfect for fans of A Song Below Water and To Kill a Kingdom.


- Piatto in ceramica con disegni ispirati a "The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi" di SA Chakraborty

- Colino per il tè ispirato a Daughter of The Pirate King di Tricia Levenseller

- Ultima coppia di segnalibri a tema mitologia con raffigurati Poseidone e Oshun 

- Federa per cuscino con fanart tratta da "The Girl Who Fell Beneath The Sea" di Axie Oh

- Dischetti in cotone riutilizzabili (rimuovi-trucco)

- Tarot Cards (Tarocchi) del mese, con i disegni di Achille e Patroclo da "La Canzone d'Achille" di Madeline Miller

Il tema del prossimo mese era "Cruel Intentions"; mi è piaciuto, ma mi aspettavo
qualcosa di molto più diverso.


Illumicrate Unboxing | "What Lies Beneath" May Box

sabato 7 ottobre 2023

Ciao a tutti booklovers, oggi andiamo a spacchettare l'Illumicrate di maggio; non mi ha fatto impazzire onestamente ma c'era decisamente di peggio.



A story of power and friendship, of trust and betrayal, and of the families we choose.

"I didn't know you were a... demon."
"You idiot. I'm the demon."
Kai's having a long day in Martha Wells' Witch King....

After being murdered, his consciousness dormant and unaware of the passing of time while confined in an elaborate water trap, Kai wakes to find a lesser mage attempting to harness Kai’s magic to his own advantage. That was never going to go well.

But why was Kai imprisoned in the first place? What has changed in the world since his assassination? And why does the Rising World Coalition appear to be growing in influence?

Kai will need to pull his allies close and draw on all his pain magic if he is to answer even the least of these questions.

He’s not going to like the answers.


- Book Organizer ispirato da Daughter of Smoke and Bone di Laini Taylor

- Vaso in ceramica ispirato a House of Hollow

- Magnete per telefono ispirato a The Whispering Dark

- Segnalibro metallico decorato con una balena

Fairyloot Unboxing | "Feuding Gods" YA May Box

lunedì 2 ottobre 2023

Ciao a tutti booklovers, oggi inizia la serie di post-recuperoni sulle precedenti bookish box, come potete intuire, sto parlando della Fairyloot di maggio, che contiene il mio attuale libro preferito del 2023 :)



When two young rival journalists find love through a magical connection, they must face the depths of hell, in a war among gods, to seal their fate forever.

After centuries of sleep, the gods are warring again. But eighteen-year-old Iris Winnow just wants to hold her family together. Her mother is suffering from addiction and her brother is missing from the front lines. Her best bet is to win the columnist promotion at the Oath Gazette.

To combat her worries, Iris writes letters to her brother and slips them beneath her wardrobe door, where they vanish—into the hands of Roman Kitt, her cold and handsome rival at the paper. When he anonymously writes Iris back, the two of them forge a connection that will follow Iris all the way to the front lines of battle: for her brother, the fate of mankind, and love.

Shadow and Bone meets Lore in Rebecca Ross's Divine Rivals, an epic enemies-to-lovers fantasy novel filled with hope and heartbreak, and the unparalleled power of love.


- Cestino (neutral item) a tema mitologia

- Tote Bag ispirata ai classici e ai retelling della mitologia greca

- Quaderno con pagine dorate 

- Spilla dedicata alle Valchirie e al loro elmo

- Cartolina in compensato con meravigliosa illustrazione a colori del Monte Olimpo

- Tarot Cards (Tarocchi) del mese, con i disegni di Iris e Roman dal (meraviglioso) libro del mese, Divine Rivals di Rebecca Ross.

Il tema del prossimo mese era "Into The Depths", a tema molto marino.
Siete curiosi di sapere cosa ne penso?