Chinese Zodiacathon TBR

lunedì 10 maggio 2021

 Ciao a tutti!!!

Bentornati sulla rubrica delle challenges.

Qui la nostra Ana vi leggerà due libri in quattro giorni, ispirandosi allo zodiaco cinese.

Io sono nata a novembre 2003, quindi il mio segno è la Capra (Goat).

1. Read a book you haven't heard before

Ho scelto House of Hollow, di Krystal Sutherland

TRAMA:Seventeen-year-old Iris Hollow has always been strange. Something happened to her and her two older sisters when they were children, something they can’t quite remember but that left each of them with an identical half-moon scar at the base of their throats.

Iris has spent most of her teenage years trying to avoid the weirdness that sticks to her like tar. But when her eldest sister, Grey, goes missing under suspicious circumstances, Iris learns just how weird her life can get: horned men start shadowing her, a corpse falls out of her sister’s ceiling, and ugly, impossible memories start to twist their way to the forefront of her mind.

As Iris retraces Grey’s last known footsteps and follows the increasingly bizarre trail of breadcrumbs she left behind, it becomes apparent that the only way to save her sister is to decipher the mystery of what happened to them as children.

The closer Iris gets to the truth, the closer she comes to understanding that the answer is dark and dangerous – and that Grey has been keeping a terrible secret from her for years.

2.Read a book by an Asian author.

Ho scelto These Violent Delights, di Chloe Gong.

TRAMA: These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong is an incredible retelling of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, set in the 1920’s, in a Shanghai partially controlled by different European foreigners and by the White Flowers, a gang ruled by the austere Lord Montagov, constituted of Russian descendants and refugees of the 1917 revolution; and partially ruled by Lord Cai and the autochthonous people that make up the Scarlet Gang.
In 1926, a monster awakens in the waters of the Huangpu river. A contagious madness floods the crowded streets of the city, jumping from person to person and causing them to gash at their throats with their own nails until they bleed to death. Rivals and heirs to their respective gangs, Juliette Cai and Roma Montagov set out independently to find out what is afflicting Shanghai, but their tangled fate will force them to work together to save it while there is still a city to save...

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