February Bookish Wrap-Up

martedì 27 febbraio 2024

Buongiorno booklovers, come state? Leggermente in anticipo mi trovo già a pubblicare il wrap-up libroso del mese di febbraio. 

Cosa ho letto quindi questo mese?


1. A Fragile Enchantment di Allison Saft (Historical Fantasy-Romance; YA; English)


In this romantic fantasy of manners from New York Times bestselling author Allison Saft, a magical dressmaker commissioned for a royal wedding finds herself embroiled in scandal when a gossip columnist draws attention to her undeniable chemistry with the groom.

Niamh Ó Conchobhair has never let herself long for more. The magic in her blood that lets her stitch emotions and memories into every dress she makes is the same one that will kill her—sooner rather than later—and she’s determined to spend the little time she has left guaranteeing a better life for her family. When she’s commissioned to design the wardrobe for a nearby kingdom’s royal wedding, she knows this is her one chance to make something of herself.

Niamh arrives in Avaland, where young nobles are making their debuts into society during the candlelit balls and elegant garden parties that fill the social Season. The only damper on the festivities is the groom himself: Kit Carmine, prickly, abrasive, and begrudgingly being dragged to the altar as a desperate political act. Beneath Avaland’s glittery façade, unrest is brewing, and an anonymous gossip columnist has been spreading rumors about corruption within the royal family. As Niamh grows closer to Kit, an unlikely friendship begins to blossom into something more…until the columnist starts buzzing about her chemistry with the prince, promising to leave her alone only if she helps uncover the royal family’s secrets. Niamh discovers that the rot at the heart of Avaland goes far deeper than she bargained for—but exposing it could risk a future she never let herself dream of, and a love she never thought possible.

Transporting readers to a Regency England-inspired fantasy world, A Fragile Enchantment is a sweeping romance threaded with intrigue, unforgettable characters, and a love story for the ages.

RATING: 3.5/5

2. Winter di Marissa Meyer (Retelling; Sci-Fi; Dystopian; Romance; YA)



Princess Winter is admired for her grace, kindness and beauty, despite the scars on her face. She's said to be even more breath-taking than her stepmother, Queen Levana...

When Winter develops feelings for the handsome palace guard, Jacin, she fears the evil Queen will crush their romance before it has a chance to begin.

But there are stirrings against the Queen across the land. Together with the cyborg mechanic, Cinder, and her allies, Winter might even find the power to launch a revolution and win a war that's been raging for far too long.

Can Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, and Winter claim their happily ever afters by defeating Levana once and for all?

RATING: 4.5/5

3. The Graham Effect di Elle Kennedy (Hockey Romance; Adult)


Gigi Graham has exactly three goals: qualify for the women’s national hockey team, win Olympic gold, and step out of her famous father’s shadow. So far, so good, except for two little things. Fine–a little thing and a big, grumpy thing. She needs to improve her game behind the net, and she needs help from Luke Ryder.

Ryder is six-foot five, built, opinionated, rude…and sexy as hell. But he’s still the enemy.

Briar’s new hockey co-captain has his reasons, though. The men’s team just merged with a rival program, leaving Ryder with an angry roster where everyone hates one another’s guts. To make matters worse, the summer coaching spot he’s angling for with the legendary Garrett Graham is out of reach after he makes the worst possible first impression on his hero. So, really, this compromise with Gigi is win-win. He helps her make the national team, she puts in a good word
with her dad.

The only potential snag? This bone-deep, body-numbing, mind-spinning chemistry they’re trying to ignore. It’s a dangerous game they’re playing, but the risks just might be worth it.


4. Follia di Patrick McGrath (Historical; Psychological Thriller; Adult)


«Le storie d’amore contraddistinte da ossessione sessuale sono un mio interesse professionale ormai da molti anni». Inghilterra, 1959. Dall’interno di un tetro manicomio criminale vittoriano uno psichiatra comincia a esporre, con apparente distacco, il caso clinico più perturbante che abbia incontrato nella sua carriera – la passione letale fra Stella Raphael, moglie di un altro psichiatra dell’ospedale, e Edgar Stark, un artista detenuto per un uxoricidio particolarmente efferato. È una vicenda cupa e tormentosa, che fin dalle prime righe esercita su di noi una malìa talmente forte da risultare quasi incomprensibile – finché lentamente non ne emergono le ragioni nascoste. Il fatto è che in questo straordinario romanzo neogotico McGrath ci scalza dalla posizione abituale, e confortevole, di lettori, chiedendoci di adottare il punto di vista molto più scabroso di chi conduce una forma singolarmente perversa di indagine: il lavoro analitico. Eppure qualcosa, forse una tensione che a poco a poco diventa insopportabile, ci avverte che i conti non tornano, e che l’inevitabile, scandalosa e beffarda verità sarà molto diversa da quella che eravamo stati costretti a immaginare.

RATING: 1.5/5

5. Voyage Of The Damned di Frances White (Mystery, Fantasy; LGBTQ+; English)


For a thousand years, Concordia has maintained peace between its provinces. To mark this incredible feat, the emperor's ship embarks upon a twelve-day voyage to the sacred Goddess's Mountain.

Aboard are the heirs of the twelve provinces of Concordia, each graced with a unique and secret magical ability known as a Blessing.

Except one: Ganymedes Piscero - class clown, slacker, and all-round disappointment.

When a beloved heir is murdered, everyone is a suspect. Stuck at sea and surrounded by powerful people without a Blessing to protect him, odds of survival are slim.

But as the bodies pile higher, Ganymedes must become the hero he was not born to be. Can he unmask the killer and their blessing before this bloody crusade reaches the shores of Concordia?


6. The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires di Grady Hendrix (Horror Comedy; Adult; Upcoming)


Patricia Campbell’s life has never felt smaller. Her husband is a workaholic, her teenage kids have their own lives, her senile mother-in-law needs constant care, and she’s always a step behind on her endless to-do list. The only thing keeping her sane is her book club, a close-knit group of Charleston women united by their love of true crime. At these meetings they’re as likely to talk about the Manson family as they are about their own families.

One evening after book club, Patricia is viciously attacked by an elderly neighbor, bringing the neighbor's handsome nephew, James Harris, into her life. James is well traveled and well read, and he makes Patricia feel things she hasn’t felt in years. But when children on the other side of town go missing, their deaths written off by local police, Patricia has reason to believe James Harris is more of a Bundy than a Brad Pitt. The real problem? James is a monster of a different kind—and Patricia has already invited him in. 
Little by little, James will insinuate himself into Patricia’s life and try to take everything she took for granted—including the book club—but she won’t surrender without a fight in this blood-soaked tale of neighborly kindness gone wrong.


7. Bride di Ali Hazelwood (Paranormal Romance; Adult)


Misery Lark, l'unica figlia del più potente Consigliere dei Vampiri del Sud-ovest, è ancora una volta un'emarginata. I suoi giorni nell'anonimato tra gli Umani sono finiti: è stata chiamata a sostenere una storica alleanza per mantenere la pace tra i Vampiri e i loro più acerrimi nemici, i Lupi, e non vede altra scelta che arrendersi allo scambio.
I Lupi sono spietati e imprevedibili e il loro capo, Lowe Moreland, non fa eccezione. Governa il suo branco con severa autorità, ma non senza giustizia. E, a differenza del Consiglio dei Vampiri, non senza sentimento. È chiaro, dal modo in cui segue ogni movimento di Misery, che non si fida di lei. Se solo sapesse quanto ha ragione...
Perché Misery ha i suoi motivi per accettare questo matrimonio di convenienza, motivi che non hanno nulla a che vedere con la politica o le alleanze, e tutto a che fare con l'unica cosa che le sia mai importata. Ed è disposta a qualsiasi cosa pur di riavere ciò che le appartiene, anche se questo significa una vita nel territorio nemico... da sola con il lupo.


8. Mermaid Melody. Vol 1. di Pink Hanamori e Michiko Yokote (Maho Shojo)


Il fatto che La Perla sia uno dei bagni pubblici più in voga del momento è ben noto; quello che nessuno sa è che le ragazze che lo gestiscono non sono esattamente ragazze normali! Lucia e Nikora, infatti, sono due sirene e Lucia è addirittura una principessa! In quanto tale, su quest’ultima grava l’enorme responsabilità di difendere i Sette Mari da un grave pericolo… anche se sarebbe più propensa a inseguire l’affascinante surfista da cui è rimasta incantata. Come conciliare amore e doveri?

RATING: 3.5/5

9. The Unmaking Of June Farrow di Adrienne Young (Magical Realism, Sci-Fi, Adult, English)


In the small mountain town of Jasper, North Carolina, June Farrow is waiting for fate to find her. The Farrow women are known for their thriving flower farm—and the mysterious curse that has plagued their family line for as long as anyone can remember. But June is determined to be the last of her name, and in turn, be first Farrow to never find love. The whole town knows of the madness that led to Susanna Farrow’s disappearance, leaving her daughter, June, to be raised by her grandmother and haunted by rumors. Everyone in Jasper is certain that it's only a matter of time before she finds the same end, but June hasn't told a single soul that it's already begun.

After her grandmother’s death, a series of clues linking her mother's disappearance to the town's grim past emerge, leading June to a mysterious door. Behind it may lay the answer to the mysteries that have always lingered like a dark shadow over Jasper and the Farrows, but the further into the unknown she goes, the more her mind seems to unravel. Upon crossing the threshold, June embarks on a journey that will not only change both the past and the future, but entangle her fate and her heart in a star-crossed love.

With The Unmaking of June Farrow, Adrienne Young delivers a brilliant story with romance, mystery, and a touch of the impossible—a story you will never forget.

RATING: 3.5/5

10. Mermaid Melody. Vol 2. di Pink Hanamori e Michiko Yokote (Maho Shojo)


Il fatto che La Perla sia uno dei bagni pubblici più in voga del momento è ben noto; quello che nessuno sa è che le ragazze che lo gestiscono non sono esattamente ragazze normali! Lucia e Nikora, infatti, sono due sirene e Lucia è addirittura una principessa! In quanto tale, su quest’ultima grava l’enorme responsabilità di difendere i Sette Mari da un grave pericolo… anche se sarebbe più propensa a inseguire l’affascinante surfista da cui è rimasta incantata. Come conciliare amore e doveri?

RATING: 3.75/5

11. Stelle e Ottone di Jude Archer (Dark Academia Romantasy, New Adult)


Ambra Valmori pensa che i suoi unici problemi siano l’imminente esame di Archeologia Persiana e la competizione spietata con il suo odiato rivale accademico, Ismael Sagredo. Ma gli astri hanno altri piani per il suo destino. Nel giro di una notte scopre che la magia esiste ed è ovunque intorno a lei, che gli insegnanti dell’Academia delle arti magiche di Seledia la considerano una minaccia alla loro segretezza e, peggio ancora, che il brillante mago che sarà costretto a farle da maestro è proprio Ismael. In una Venezia affascinante e inedita, insieme faranno luce sul misterioso passato di Ambra, che capirà di se stessa molto più di quanto aveva mai immaginato. E scoprirà che le stelle possono essere crudeli.


12. Storia di una gabbianella e del gatto che le insegnò a volare di Luis Sepulveda (Romanzo di Formazione)


I gabbiani sorvolano la foce dell'Elba, nel mare del Nord. "Banco di aringhe a sinistra" stride il gabbiano di vedetta e Kengah si tuffa. Ma quando riemerge, il mare è una distesa di petrolio. A stento spicca il volo, raggiunge la terra ferma, ma poi stremata precipita su un balcone di Amburgo. C'è un micio nero di nome Zorba su quel balcone, un grosso gatto cui la gabbiana morente affida l'uovo che sta per deporre, non prima di aver ottenuto dal gatto solenni promesse: che lo coverà amorevolmente, che non si mangerà il piccolo e che, soprattutto, gli insegnerà a volare. E se per mantenere le prime due promesse sarà sufficiente l'amore materno di Zorba, per la terza ci vorrà una grande idea e l'aiuto di tutti...

RATING: 4.5/5

13. Mermaid Melody. Vol 3. di Pink Hanamori e Michiko Yokote (Maho Shojo)


Il fatto che La Perla sia uno dei bagni pubblici più in voga del momento è ben noto; quello che nessuno sa è che le ragazze che lo gestiscono non sono esattamente ragazze normali! Lucia e Nikora, infatti, sono due sirene e Lucia è addirittura una principessa! In quanto tale, su quest’ultima grava l’enorme responsabilità di difendere i Sette Mari da un grave pericolo… anche se sarebbe più propensa a inseguire l’affascinante surfista da cui è rimasta incantata. Come conciliare amore e doveri?

RATING: 3.75/5

14. Magnolia Parks: Into the Dark di Jessa Hastings (Contemporary Romance, NA, English)


How many loves do you actually get in a lifetime? Everyone knows by now that Magnolia and BJ are in the stars, but is that enough?

Magnolia and BJ are reeling from a devastating loss as they try to plan what’s been dubbed “the wedding of the century”. As family tensions mount and their respective pasts begin catching up to them, they finally have to look the truth in the Can they learn to trust and be with one another again, or will they die trying?

RATING: 3.25/5

15. Kill Joy di Holly Jackson (Contemporary, Mystery, YA, Novella)


Pippa Fitz-Amobi is not in the mood for her friend's murder mystery party. Especially one that involves 1920's fancy dress and pretending that their town, Little Kilton, is an island called Joy. But when the game begins, Pip finds herself drawn into the make-believe world of intrigue, deception and murder. But as Pip plays detective, teasing out the identity of the killer clue-by-clue, the murder of the fictional Reginald Remy isn't the only case on her mind ... 

RATING: 3.5/5


Recensione | Fourth Wing di Rebecca Yarros

giovedì 22 febbraio 2024

 Buongiorno booklovers, "the time has finally come". Finalmente vi posso esporre il mio parere (che avrete già intuito se mi seguite su vari social) sul libro hit del 2023. Il libro più conosciuto dello scorso anno.

Si, sto parlando di Fourth Wing (FW per gli amici), il romantasy coi draghi più famoso del mondo. Siete pronti a sapere cosa ne penso?


1. Fourth Wing

2. Iron Flame

3. TBA

4. TBA

5. TBA


Nome: Fourth Wing

Autrice: Rebecca Yarros

Data: 07 novembre 2023 (ITA)

Genere: Romantasy

Editore: Sperling & Kupfer


L'accademia militare di Basgiath è la famosissima scuola per diventare cavalieri di draghi più spietata ed elitaria che ci sia. Una volta entrati non si hanno altro che due possibilità: laurearsi o morire. Violet Sorrengail già si immaginava a passare i prossimi anni circondata dai suoi amati libri e immersa nel silenzio della biblioteca. Nulla di più lontano da ciò che le sta per accadere. Quella generalessa di sua madre le ha ordinato di unirsi alle centinaia di candidati disposti a qualunque sacrificio pur di diventare parte dell'élite di Navarra: i cavalieri di draghi. Ma Violet ha solo vent'anni e un corpo ancora poco allenato alla battaglia: la morte per lei potrebbe arrivare in un lampo. I draghi, infatti, non si legano agli umani «fragili», ma li inceneriscono. E la maggior parte degli studenti non si farebbe scrupoli nell'eliminare Violet pur di migliorare le proprie possibilità di successo. Senza contare che tutti gli altri la farebbero fuori volentieri pur di punire la temibile e potente madre, compreso Xaden Riorson, il cavaliere più forte e spietato del Quadrante. E così Violet ogni sera va a dormire con la sfida di riuscire a vedere l'alba del giorno dopo...



So già cosa state pensando. So già che pensate: "ma Anais, ma come fai ad aver letto un libro con questa trama (e soprattutto questa traduzione)?"

Vi calmo subito, dicendo che FORTUNATAMENTE ho letto il libro in lingua originale.

Ci troviamo in un mondo fantasy, principalmente nel regno di Navarre (Navarra in italiano): esso ha consolidato il suo potere e si difende dagli attacchi dei paesi vicini (Poromiel tra tutti)... con i draghi.

Infatti, l'élite dell'esercito di Navarre sono i dragon riders, i cavalieri di draghi. Non c'è onore più alto nel mondo. Un onore che Violet Sorrengail sa di non poter raggiungere.

Nonostante sia figlia del generale Lilith Sorrengail, braccio destro del Generale Melgren, il capo delle forze navarriane, e sorella minore di due tra i cavalieri di draghi più conosciuti, Brennan e Mira... Violet è debole, fragile.

Alta 5'2" in metrica statunitense (ovvero circa un metro e cinquantasette... come me XD), Violet è nata dopo che una febbre ha minacciato di portarsi via la vita di sua madre, incinta di lei stessa. Violet è sopravvissuta ma a caro prezzo.

I suoi capelli castani sulle punte virano al grigio, come se la febbre avesse succhiato la linfa vitale da essi. E soprattutto, Violet soffre di una patologia, ispirata alla sindrome di Ehlers - Danlos (di cui soffre Rebecca Yarros stessa).

Di fatto i suoi muscoli e le sue ossa sono più deboli, e si spaccano con estrema facilità.

Non è il massimo per una dragon rider, soprattutto contando che i draghi sentono la debolezza... e se ne cibano.

Tuttavia, sua madre non le lascia scelta. Dovrà affrontare il Parapetto, la prova di iniziazione all'accademia militare di Basgiath, e diventare una dragon rider. O morire nel farlo.

Basgiath è un luogo complesso, diviso in quattro quadranti: gli scribi (custodi della conoscenza, dove era destinata Violet, anche per volere del defunto padre, scriba anch'egli); i guaritori; la fanteria e i cavalieri di draghi.

Quest'ultimo quadrante è il più letale: ci sono pochi draghi, e molti cadetti sono disposti a tutto, pur della gloria eterna. Soprattutto uccidere.

E Violet non è solo la preda perfetta in quanto "debole", ma anche in quanto figlia del generale... che ha mandato a morte, dopo una fallita ribellione, i capi di essa e obbligato i figli a servire il paese... diventando cavalieri di draghi, sapendo la difficoltà nel diventarlo senza morire.

Non c'è nessuno che odia Violet più al mondo di Xaden Riorson, figlio di Fen Riorson, leader della ribellione, caposquadra della Quarta Ala. Sarebbe così facile per un ragazzo così alto e muscoloso spaccare il collo a Violet in un attimo.

Sarà davvero così?


Lo ammetto, questo libro non è perfetto. Ha estreme dosi di "trash". Ma caspita, se l'ho amato. Non sono mai riuscita a staccarmi.

La scorrevolezza della storia e la fluidità della penna della Yarros aiutano sicuramente la lettura, ma è la sequela di colpi di scena, i personaggi stereotipati ma che nascondono dietro la loro vera natura, di un'ambientazione che seppur non ai livelli di Tolkien riesce a catturarti... che mi ha fatto amare FW.

Violet Sorrengail è un mezzo stereotipo, ma che riesce ad essere ribaltato, perché la ragazza, invece di piangere, riesce quantomeno ad ingegnarsi per sopravvivere. Nonostante tutto, è coraggiosa, e non ha paura di lottare per ciò che è giusto.

E non posso parlare di Violet senza parlare di Xaden Riorson. Sulla scia di Rhysand di ACOTAR, questo ragazzo guida i cadetti col piglio del leader, ma senza la sottomissione e la crudeltà di certi capi. Personaggio misterioso, che non è quello che sembra (e avrete ormai capito, è il love interest).

In realtà, ammetto che il ragazzo di cui mi sono innamorata più di tutti nel libro è il secondo di Xaden, Liam Mairi. Se Xaden è ombra, anche nell'aspetto (capelli scuri e pelle olivastra, tendente allo scuro), Liam è il golden boy, con i suoi occhi azzurri e i capelli biondi.

Bisogna tenere conto anche della cerchia dei personaggi secondari: abbiamo Rhiannion "Rhi", Sawyer e Ridoc, gli amici di Violet... mentre sul fronte Xaden abbiamo Imogen e Bodhi, cugino di Xaden.

Per quanto riguarda i personaggi controversi, abbiamo Jack Barlowe, bulletto di turno, e Dain Aetos, migliore amico di Vi dall'infanzia (il Tamlin della situazione), che tende a tenerla sotto una campana di vetro.

Tuttavia, vi devo dire che i personaggi preferiti sono stati (per quanto mi riguarda), tre draghi: Tairn (Tairneanach), un MorningstarTail nero che è sia burbero sia il comic relief della serie; Andarnaurram (Baby Andarna, un cucciolo dorato) e Sgyael, la draghessa di Xaden, compagna di Tairn.

Il trio Medusa dei draghi e fedeli alleati di Vi.


Penso di avervi già detto troppo no?

Che cosa aspettate, andate a leggere!

Consigliato dai: 16 anni + 

Rating: cinque stelle

Fairyloot's 2023 Young Adult Line-Up

lunedì 19 febbraio 2024

Salve booklovers, come va? Oggi vi propongo un post molto semplice, ma d'effetto. Ecco a voi la fantastica line-up della Fairyloot a livello Young Adult per il 2023.

Cosa ne pensate?



The first book in an epic fantasy series for fans of Sabaa Tahir, Hafsah Faizal and Elizabeth Lim, set in an Arabian-inspired land. Raised to protect her nation from the monsters lurking in the sands, seventeen-year-old Imani must fight to find her brother whose betrayal is now their greatest threat.

In the hidden desert city of Qalia, secret spice magic awakens affinities in those who drink the misra tea. With an affinity for iron, seventeen-year-old Imani wields a dagger like no other warrior, garnering her the reputation as the next greatest Shield for battling the dangerous djinn, ghouls, and other monsters that lurk in the sands beyond city limits.

Her reputation has been overshadowed, however, by her brother who tarnished the family name after he was discovered stealing their nation's coveted spice - a tell-tale sign of magical obsession. He disappeared soon after, believed to have died beyond the Forbidden Wastes, and leaving Imani reeling with both betrayal and grief.

But when Imani uncovers evidence her brother may be alive and spreading their nation's magic beyond the desert, she strikes a deal with the Council to find him and bring him back to Qalia before he can reveal the city's location. Accompanied by Qayn, a roguish but handsome djinni, and Taha, a powerful beastseer whose magical talents are matched only by his arrogance, they set out on their mission.

Imani will soon discover there are many secrets that lie beyond the Forbidden Wastes - and in her own heart - but will she find her brother before his betrayals endanger the fate of all of Qalia?




Gotham meets Strange the Dreamer in this thrilling young adult fantasy about a cowardly girl who finds herself at the center of a criminal syndicate conspiracy, in a city where crooked politicians and sinister cults design and dreaming means waking up as your worst nightmare.

Ever since her sister became a man-eating spider and slaughtered her way through town, nineteen-year-old Ness has been terrified—terrified of some other Nightmare murdering her, and terrified of ending up like her sister. Because in Newham, the city that never sleeps and the only other home Ness has known, dreaming means waking up as your worst fear.

Whether that means becoming a Nightmare that is only monstrous in appearance but is otherwise able to live a semi-normal existence, to transforming into a twisted, unrecognizable creature that terrorizes the citizens of Newham, no one is safe. Ness will do anything to avoid becoming another victim, even if that means lying low among the Friends of the Restful Soul, a seedy organization that may or may not be a cult.

But being a member of the Friends of the Restful Soul has a price. In order to prove herself, Ness cons her way into what’s supposed to be a simple job for the organization—only for it to blow up in her face. Literally. Tangled up in the aftermath of an explosive assassination, Ness and the only other survivor—a Nightmare boy who Ness suspects is planning to eat her—must find their way back to Newham and uncover the sinister truth behind the attack.




In the city of Ombrazia, saints and their disciples rule with terrifying and unjust power, playing favorites while the unfavored struggle to survive.

After her father’s murder at the hands of the Ombrazian military, Rossana Lacertosa is willing to do whatever it takes to dismantle the corrupt system—tapping into her powers as a disciple of Patience, joining the rebellion, and facing the boy who broke her heart. As the youngest captain in the history of Palazzo security, Damian Venturi is expected to be ruthless and strong, and to serve the saints with unquestioning devotion. But three years spent fighting in a never-ending war have left him with deeper scars than he wants to admit… and a fear of confronting the girl he left behind.

Now a murderer stalks Ombrazia’s citizens. As the body count climbs, the Palazzo is all too happy to look the other way—that is, until a disciple becomes the newest victim. With every lead turning into a dead end, Damian and Roz must team up to find the killer, even if it means digging up buried emotions. As they dive into the underbelly of Ombrazia, the pair will discover something more sinister—and far less holy. With darkness closing in and time running out, will they be able to save the city from an evil so powerful that it threatens to destroy everything in its path?




Tamsin Lark didn’t ask to be a Hollower. As a mortal with no magical talent, she was never meant to break into ancient crypts, or compete with sorceresses and Cunningfolk for the treasures inside. But after her thieving foster father disappeared without so much as a goodbye, it was the only way to keep herself—and her brother, Cabell—alive.

Ten years later, rumors are swirling that her guardian vanished with a powerful ring from Arthurian legend. A run-in with her rival Emrys ignites Tamsin’s hope that the ring could free Cabell from a curse that threatens both of them. But they aren’t the only ones who covet the ring.

As word spreads, greedy Hollowers start circling, and many would kill to have it for themselves. While Emrys is the last person Tamsin would choose to partner with, she needs all the help she can get to edge out her competitors in the race for the ring. Together, they dive headfirst into a vipers’ nest of dark magic, exposing a deadly secret with the power to awaken ghosts of the past and shatter her last hope of saving her brother. . . .




When two young rival journalists find love through a magical connection, they must face the depths of hell, in a war among gods, to seal their fate forever.

After centuries of sleep, the gods are warring again. But eighteen-year-old Iris Winnow just wants to hold her family together. Her mother is suffering from addiction and her brother is missing from the front lines. Her best bet is to win the columnist promotion at the Oath Gazette.

To combat her worries, Iris writes letters to her brother and slips them beneath her wardrobe door, where they vanish—into the hands of Roman Kitt, her cold and handsome rival at the paper. When he anonymously writes Iris back, the two of them forge a connection that will follow Iris all the way to the front lines of battle: for her brother, the fate of mankind, and love.

Shadow and Bone meets Lore in Rebecca Ross's Divine Rivals, an epic enemies-to-lovers fantasy novel filled with hope and heartbreak, and the unparalleled power of love.




In this dark and seductive YA fantasy debut, a siren must choose between protecting her family and following her heart in a prejudiced kingdom where her existence is illegal.

Saoirse Sorkova survives on lies. As a soldier-in-training at the most prestigious barracks in the kingdom, she lies about being a siren to avoid execution. At night, working as an assassin for a dangerous group of mercenaries, Saoirse lies about her true identity. And to her family, Saoirse tells the biggest lie of all: that she can control her siren powers and doesn't struggle constantly against an impulse to kill.

As the top trainee in her class, Saoirse would be headed for a bright future if it weren't for the need to keep her secrets out of the spotlight. But when a mysterious blackmailer threatens her sister, Saoirse takes a dangerous job that will help her investigate: she becomes personal bodyguard to the crown prince.

Saoirse should hate Prince Hayes. After all, his father is the one who enforces the kingdom's brutal creature segregation laws. But when Hayes turns out to be kind, thoughtful, and charming, Saoirse finds herself increasingly drawn to him-especially when they're forced to work together to stop a deadly killer who's plaguing the city. There's only one problem: Saoirse is that deadly killer.

Featuring an all Black and Brown cast, a forbidden romance, and a compulsively dark plot full of twists, this thrilling YA fantasy is perfect for fans of A Song Below Water and To Kill a Kingdom.




In a world where the children of the gods inherit their powers, a descendant of the Greek Fates must solve a series of impossible murders to save her sisters, her soulmate, and her city.

Descendants of the Fates are always born in threes: one to weave, one to draw, and one to cut the threads that connect people to the things they love and to life itself. The Ora sisters are no exception. Io, the youngest, uses her Fate-born abilities as a private investigator in the half-sunken city of Alante.

But her latest job leads her to a horrific discovery: somebody is abducting women, maiming their life-threads, and setting the resulting wraiths loose in the city to kill. To find the culprit, she must work alongside Edei Rhuna, the right hand of the infamous Mob Queen—and the boy with whom she shares a rare fate-thread linking them as soul mates before they’ve even met.

But the investigation turns personal when Io's estranged oldest sister turns up on the arm of her best suspect. Amid unveiled secrets from her past and her growing feelings for Edei, Io must follow clues through the city’s darkest corners and unearth a conspiracy that involves some of the city’s most powerful players—before destruction comes to her own doorstep.




Ready your blade. Defeat the undead.

In the Dominions, the dead linger, violent and unpredictable, unless a bonesmith severs the ghost from its earthly remains. For bonesmith Wren, becoming a valkyr—a ghost-fighting warrior—is a chance to solidify her place in the noble House of Bone and impress her frequently absent father. But when sabotage causes Wren to fail her qualifying trial, she is banished to the Border Wall, the last line of defense against a wasteland called the Breach where the vicious dead roam unchecked.

Determined to reclaim her family’s respect, Wren gets her chance when a House of Gold prince is kidnapped and taken beyond the Wall. To prove she has what it takes to be a valkyr, Wren vows to cross the Breach and rescue the prince. But to do so, she’s forced into an uneasy alliance with one of the kidnappers—a fierce ironsmith called Julian from the exiled House of Iron, the very people who caused the Breach in the first place…and the House of Bone’s sworn enemy.

As they travel, Wren and Julian spend as much time fighting each other as they do the undead, but when they discover there’s more behind the kidnapping than either of them knew, they’ll need to work together to combat the real danger: a dark alliance that is brewing between the living and the undead.




Your first love will always haunt you…

The most haunting, heartwarming debut of 2023. Perfect for fans of strong female leads and supernatural stakes in Buffy, with all the sweetness and romance of To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before.

Cara’s just trying to stay on top of all her classes, excel at her extracurriculars, and prepare for college – which means not speaking to the dead, an ability she inherited from her grandmother. Ghosts are trouble, and Cara doesn’t need to add their problems to her own.

But then she stumbles upon the body of Zach – the super popular but very newly dead high school golden boy – in the woods, and guess what? He wants her to resurrect him.

Cue trouble.




Where fairy tales come to life with dark, deadly twists...

"Tell me again, Grandmère, the story of how I die."

The Midnight Forest. The Fanged Creature. Two fortune-telling cards that spell an untimely death for 17-year-old Clara. Despite the ever-present warning from her fortune-teller grandmother, Clara embarks on a dangerous journey into the deadly Forest Grimm to procure a magical book - Sortes Fortunae , the Book of Fortunes - with the power to reverse the curse on her village and save her mother.

Years ago, when the villagers whispered their deepest desires to the book, its pages revealed how to obtain them. All was well until someone used the book for an evil purpose―to kill another person. Afterward, the branches of the Forest Grimm snatched the book away, the well water in Grimm’s Hollow turned rancid, and the crops died from disease. The villagers tried to make amends with the forest, but every time someone crossed its border, they never returned.

Now, left with no alternative, Clara and her close friend, Axel―who is fated never to be with her―have set their minds to defying fate and daring to accomplish what no one else has been able to before. But the forest―alive with dark, deadly twists on some of our most well-known fairy tales―has a mind of its own.




Zilan dreams of becoming a royal alchemist, of providing for her family by making alchemical gold and gems for the wealthy to eat in order to stay young forever. But for now, she’s trapped in her impoverished village in southern China, practicing an illegal form of alchemy to keep food on the table—resurrecting the dead, for a price.

When Zilan finally has the chance to complete her imperial exams, she ventures to the capital to compete against the best alchemists in the country in tasks she’ll be lucky to survive, let alone pass. On top of that, her reputation for raising the dead has followed her to the capital, and the Crown Prince himself seeks out her help, suspecting a coming assassination attempt.

The more Zilan succeeds in her alchemy, the more she gets caught in the dangerous political games of the royal family. There are monsters lurking within the palace walls, and it’s only a matter of time before they—and secrets of Zilan’s past—catch up with her.




Bolivian-Argentinian Inez Olivera belongs to the glittering upper society of nineteenth century Buenos Aires, and like the rest of the world, the town is steeped in old world magic that’s been largely left behind or forgotten. Inez has everything a girl might want, except for the one thing she yearns the most: her globetrotting parents—who frequently leave her behind.

When she receives word of their tragic deaths, Inez inherits their massive fortune and a mysterious guardian, an archeologist in partnership with his Egyptian brother-in-law. Yearning for answers, Inez sails to Cairo, bringing her sketch pads and an ancient golden ring her father sent to her for safekeeping before he died. But upon her arrival, the old world magic tethered to the ring pulls her down a path where she soon discovers there’s more to her parent’s disappearance than what her guardian led her to believe.

With her guardian’s infuriatingly handsome assistant thwarting her at every turn, Inez must rely on ancient magic to uncover the truth about her parent’s disappearance—or risk becoming a pawn in a larger game that will kill her.
