Tea, Zodiac & Books | Gemini Season

martedì 28 maggio 2024

Buongiorno a tutti booklovers, oggi torna la "Tea, Zodiac & Books" con l'arrivo, già da ormai una settimana, della vibrante Gemini Season!

Gemelli (Gemini) - The Twins

Date: 21 maggio - 20 giugno

Elemento: Aria

Modalità: Mutevole

Genere: Maschile

Pianeta: Mercurio


Terzo segno dello Zodiaco, il Gemelli è il segno più versatile per eccellenza, data la sua natura un po' detatched da segno d'aria e dal suo carattere mutevole. Il Gemelli è governato da Mercurio, legato alle funzioni cerebrali, e non disdegna uno scontro a suon di conoscenza. 

Per questo io non posso non consigliare come genere letterario per i Gemelli...

Genere Letterario: Comedy Fiction/Satire

Ti consiglio un libro per ogni Gemelli (Sole, Luna e Ascendente)

GEMINI SUN: Yellowface di Rebecca F. Kuang


Authors June Hayward and Athena Liu were supposed to be twin rising stars. But Athena’s a literary darling. June Hayward is literally nobody. Who wants stories about basic white girls, June thinks.

So when June witnesses Athena’s death in a freak accident, she acts on impulse: she steals Athena’s just-finished masterpiece, an experimental novel about the unsung contributions of Chinese laborers during World War I.

So what if June edits Athena’s novel and sends it to her agent as her own work? So what if she lets her new publisher rebrand her as Juniper Song—complete with an ambiguously ethnic author photo? Doesn’t this piece of history deserve to be told, whoever the teller? That’s what June claims, and the New York Times bestseller list seems to agree.

But June can’t get away from Athena’s shadow, and emerging evidence threatens to bring June’s (stolen) success down around her. As June races to protect her secret, she discovers exactly how far she will go to keep what she thinks she deserves.

With its totally immersive first-person voice, Yellowface grapples with questions of diversity, racism, and cultural appropriation, as well as the terrifying alienation of social media. R.F. Kuang’s novel is timely, razor-sharp, and eminently readable.

GEMINI MOON: Her Majesty's Royal Coven di Juno Dawson


If you look hard enough at old photographs, we're there in the background: healers in the trenches; Suffragettes; Bletchley Park oracles; land girls and resistance fighters. Why is it we help in times of crisis? We have a gift. We are stronger than Mundanes, plain and simple.

At the dawn of their adolescence, on the eve of the summer solstice, four young girls--Helena, Leonie, Niamh and Elle--took the oath to join Her Majesty's Royal Coven, established by Queen Elizabeth I as a covert government department. Now, decades later, the witch community is still reeling from a civil war and Helena is now the reigning High Priestess of the organization. Yet Helena is the only one of her friend group still enmeshed in the stale bureaucracy of HMRC. Elle is trying to pretend she's a normal housewife, and Niamh has become a country vet, using her powers to heal sick animals. In what Helena perceives as the deepest betrayal, Leonie has defected to start her own more inclusive and intersectional coven, Diaspora. And now Helena has a bigger problem. A young warlock of extraordinary capabilities has been captured by authorities and seems to threaten the very existence of HMRC. With conflicting beliefs over the best course of action, the four friends must decide where their loyalties lie: with preserving tradition, or doing what is right.

Juno Dawson explores gender and the corrupting nature of power in a delightful and provocative story of magic and matriarchy, friendship and feminism. Dealing with all the aspects of contemporary womanhood, as well as being phenomenally powerful witches, Niamh, Helena, Leonie and Elle may have grown apart but they will always be bound by the sisterhood of the coven.

GEMINI RISING: My Lady Jane di Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton e Jodi Meadows


«Tagliatele la testa!» Sin dai tempi di Enrico VIII sentire quest'ordine non è poi tanto raro. Mogli scomode, con- siglieri in odore di congiura, figli legittimi e bastardi... Al sovrano di turno basta schioccare le dita e zac! Per non parlare del veleno. Insomma, se Lady Jane Grey preferisce i saggi sulle barbabietole alla vita di corte, un motivo c'è. Peccato che, quando sei nella linea di successione alla corona inglese, puoi ritrovarti sposata con un tizio mai visto prima. Bello, questo sì, ma con un segreto decisamente ingombrante. Soprattutto quando ti mettono addirittura sul trono, e la tua prima concorrente è la cugina Maria - che non per nulla passerà alla storia come Bloody Mary. O forse no. Già, perché le autrici hanno stabilito che questa turbolenta epoca storica era troppo cupa, quindi hanno deciso di rimescolare le carte, aggiungere un pizzico di magia et voilà, ecco a voi un romanzo di cappa e spada con atmosfere alla Bridgerton e una Lady Jane che da sacrificabile pedina dinastica diventa un'eroina anticonvenzionale e molto umana. Ma non del tutto...

Three Gemini Bookish Icons:

Captain Carswell Thorne (Lunar Chronicles)

CREDITS: / (sto cercando)

Alice Bell (Alice in Zombieland)

CREDITS: Viria Tumblr (Alice è a destra)

Gabriel Lightwood (The Infernal Devices)

CREDITS: Cassandra Jean

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